Day 1
Got up at 5am.... =S ....showered, changed, and to Eurostar Station...... I thought we were late...but none of the rest of them were there yet =S
ishhkkk....... long day but just make it short and was freaking cold the first day in Paris!
oh and something France, u speak English to them, they will speak French to you instead......
OHHHHH...there's this saying in mandarin "playing music to a cow" =S sorry la, if u dont understand what does that mean.....TOO BAD =P
and we are in Paris... =)
the hotel....
some Mac freak...just like me =D
look at the greedy ppl =D
oh ya...that's my aunt and cousins from Malaysia...=)
Look at this!!
French ppl...parking skill *2 thumbs up*
The Christmas Market....
and we walked Mercedes Benz....
Look at this car.......looks like some Batman's mobile =S LOL
And cost me around 7euro plus =S 3 times of the price in England.....and if you convert to malaysia's around RM35 =S =S =S =S =S
And supper!
Coca Cola cherry =S
I bet it will taste super duper weird =S
ok......I'll upload most of the pictures in Facebook ppl! check out my Facebook then! =)
Disneyland will be next!