Last week, I went to Leeds to visit my sister....yes yes yes! I went to Leeds, and yes yes yes my sister is studying in Leeds....Don't believe? tooo badddddd =D
So after class, went to the poster sales AGAIN, then off to the rail station....1 hours 40 minutes journey and....
WALLAAA, I'm in Leeds...
So......called my sister and asked what bus should I take and all...and you know what my sister said, "just take bus 1,95 and 96 then when you see Parkinson's steps, then make a stop..ok?"
I was like...How the hell would I know which is Parkinson's steps la..HELLLO, THAT WAS MY FIRST TIME TO LEEDSSS... =/
So I just took a bus anyway, just gonna try my luck and look for the so called PARKISON's STEP...goshh....
While waiting for the buss....
So after boarding on to the bus.....I tried my luck and asked the drive instead...
ME: sorry, but could you tell me where to stop at Parkinson's steps?
Bus Driver: just stop at Parkinson's steps..
Me: Ya, but could you let me know once when we are at Parkinson's steps?
Bus Driver: when you see stairs, just go down...
Me: =S what other landmark should i look at to know that that's Parkinson's steps?
Bus Driver: stairs....
Anyway, I just.....try my luck? =/
and the so called Parkinson's Steps...How did I noticed it? I just randomly ask someone in the bus...some kind hearted and understanding ppl... =D

When I was told that Leeds is not that safe during night time by my sister...I thought she was just kidding...But to be honest, I encountered it by myself, yes damm not safe at night!..
I was waiting for my sister, and some random people came and asked money from me...and i was like no money la...*usual malaysian la* haha....and he keep on insisting and asking me to give him a place to stay until I decided to walk off...damm..!
After a while, my sis and another 2 friends of her came and get me...and we got invited into this Church for free bbq...AWESOME! =) I was damm hungry already actually =D hahaha

When I got to my sister's place, it was already 9 something I my sister and the friends were expecting that dinner should be ready by then....MANA TAHUU, they were still cooking...and my sister told me that they actually started cooking since 6 something..... =/ =/ =/ =/ =/ we're not so bad afterall =D
When dinner was done....The so-called PRESIDENT of the kitchen, presented me foood..I WAS LAUGHING ALL THE WAY......and he actually gave a speech =/ =D =/ i duno whether to laugh or be =/ haha....and the the vice-president =/ *what is this man* haha

The next day....we decided to go to the City Centre, but we dropped by at Leeds University's sports hall for a while...Their Malaysian and Singapore Society was having some event just drop by....
Anyway, picture while walking there....and to the City Centre...
By the way....The Golden Eagle in picture just 2 picture on top, apparently is the Leeds' attraction... =)
On the way, we saw Leeds Museum...and we decided to drop in since none of us been there....actually it was only me, my sis, Delwyn and Carlyn*if I spelled it correctly =/*
I saw this in the museum....would anyone actually wear this?? =/ I dare you girls to wear it! ha! haha...
Some interesting picture..the rest I would just post in my facebook later today... =)

Would you wear that thing on ur head? the middle picture....that's what people used to wear for broadway music last time =/
And lunch off to Picture Exhibition....
The place...

My food.....I like it..but i think the one that I cook taste better! haha =D

And off to City Centre for shopping....
I tell you people..... Liverpool shopping places is nothing compare to Leeds I tell you.... I was like "WOAAAAAH"...the people, the number of shops, the sales, the rubbish on the floor, the kids running around, the I dunno what else still...everything is just like CRAZZZY!

We were there pretty long to be honest...and we didn't manage to go to all the places...cause it's crazy big over there...and my sister was like, there're still damm a lot of shops =/ =/ =/
At night......Sharmane and Meow Ting came over to my sister's place and looked for me...and off we went to Headingley...*sorry Stacey, I didn't know that you stay in Headingley, seriously I have no idea about it..I'll call you the next time I go over, promise*
While walking there.....

We saw this bunch of people dressing up like some caves man...YA it was not only one, IT WAS A BUNCH OF THEM!!! hahaha
And here we are....dunno what's the pub name...had some drink..kinda nice...and chit chat abit of course...

The next day, was supposed to go to Church with my sister's friend....BUT THEN, I overslept, forgotten to set alarm =/ =/
Woke my sister up after shower, and off us to City Centre again.....Went Yates for lunch first =)

Ordered..and our food....
I ordered, BBQ Chicken Melt..and my sister ordered Chicken Masala....
My sister & Mua
Then City Centre again....I was supposed to buy some stuff...but ended up my sister buying stuff...she bought a jacket cost i think 25quids, and you know the day before she got a leather handbag which cost her around 50quids or 40quids i think! gosh! shopaholic! hahaha
Then we walked to the Townhall for some pictures....and on the way there, some pictures too... =D

And something hilarious....people actually use chalk and draw this kinda stuff on the public to enlarge *I think that's what happen right when u click =S, good luck!!* =)
Crazy right?

So ya...that's all for Leeds la......
DAmm long post i know...Even me felt damm tired to write this post =/ ahhhh! =/
Oh ya before I forgot..let me show you HOW FREAKING BIG IS MY SISTER'S ROOM TO YOU PEOPLE.....

Crazy big right? I think it 3 times the size of my room...THey have built on table lamp as damm cool seriously.....and it's damm clean..and did u see the damm freaking big ass heater...and it's actually working k, unlike ours back in Liverpool, it will only be on WHEN they on it..stupid! and ya!
i didn't take the pictures of the amount of fridge and freezer they have in the house, crazy lot! I think there's like 12 freaking fridge and freezer! stupid! and they have their own washing machine, and mind you, they have TWO washing machine! damm! =/
oh ya! wanna check out our room in Liverpool...
Seee!!! how nice is it? I only need one picture to show you my whole room...unlike my sister one, i need to take so many pictures until i'm so freaking tired......ha!
See how pathetic is my room compare to my sister's room...dammm!!
but anyway, Liverpool everything is near, which I love it! unlike Leeds, u need to walk until ur ass and leg break! =/
hahaha! anyway...i'm tired of typing dy laaaa.......
Till then....