Was told that York, reaally good for shopping
Was supposed to wake up at 7 and get ready, and go off at 7.30....BUT MY SISTER, it was so so so so hard to wake her up....we left at 8am instead =/
It was super cold that morning in Leeds, dunno why....but thank God the bus came kinda fast... =)
Got to train station and got to York in an hour time...

Facts of the day: I didn't know York is home of Nestlee.... =D chocolateee!!!! =D
So, we went opposite of the road to get a bus.....We didn't have change, so we gave 20quids, and that bus driver was like....
Bus Driver: 20quids??!! I don't have change..Give me something else *the face, fuuuh! damm bitchy i tell u*
Mua: *trying to look for smaller change* sorry, we only have this...
Bus Driver: I don't have... Go somewhere else to get....*the face, waaah i tell u, you would just wanna hit him hard on his face weeiii!!!*
FUUUH!!! I tell you, I would make a report on him if I gotten down the bus number! assholeee!!
Anyway, got on to another bus....and got to the Designer Outlet first....

They were asking people for watches, so that they can clean for them...cool! =)
and free foood and winee! =D
and lunch, Fish & Chips....
and ppl singing Christmas Carol.........I can't wait for Christmas! =)
Bought a few stuff there....actually not few, kinda lot actually...hahah! =D not gonna say it out here! =D
BUT conclusion of there, I think Cheshire Oakes is way better to shop rather than there =/
then we headed to the City for sightseeing...

Cliffords Tower
and we went on to York Minster....

The weather was kinda gloomy that day...so the pictures, wasn't really nice =/
*nevermind, I'll go again and get some nice pictures the next time!! =D *
and ....York Minster at last! dammm nicee seriously...

Look at my sister's hair....all over her face! wahahaha!
Went into the Souvenirs Shop first....and saw this nice door....
We saw this.....Orchestra with a huge Choir...
We were so FASCINATED when we saw this, so we just went through the entrance from the souvenirs shop even it said *NO ENTRY FROM HERE*....but we couldn't be bother because we saw this.... =/
and after a while, we saw the ACTUAL entrance..which you need to pay an entrance fees..... =S =S =S =S we didnt know what to do......bad shapeee! We did something bad in a Cathedral =S gosssshhh.......
Hope God forgives me =/
This was the entrance that I was talking about =/

To be honest, the Cathedral, it was a bit creepy.....The whole Cathedral is kinda dark, and a lot of thombstone....so it's a bit creepy =/
and off we headed back to York Train Station and back to Leeds....
It is really nice at night in York....But the wind, its crazy at night!
Oh ya, I didn't mention earlier....while I was taking a picture for my sister......The wind, omg, literally blow me like to another side....it was super duper crazy stronggg....
at night, met up with some HELP people =) for dinner....
GAaaaaahh.....!! blur =/
Poserrr!! =D

After dinner, they asked me to go along for some Karaoke Competition thingy organised by the Hong Kong Society of Leeds Uni....

Look at this guy, he looks like ThoQuin right from this angle? RIghtt???
The Competition was okkkk laa....Didn't really enjoy it, cause to be honest, not as good as I thought....but got one guy! fuuuh! damm chun laaaa....
Anyway, Cheshire Oakes is better to shop ppl!