@ Sheraton Imperial
Mediation Conference organised by the Asian Mediation Association, supported by Bar Council!
but first, check out the registration place, it was crazy packed in the morning....

oh ya! that's me, when i went to toilet..hahah
oh, and my tag...
So what was my duty?
my duty was to be 24/7 standby for the speaker if they need anything...
like this speaker below, i need to stand there the whole day, and ya, he took my awesome watch for himself to time himself KONONnya....
He is Danny McFadden from London btw....
And the conference I attended when I was off duty...
SOme inter-racial and inter-religion mediation...it was good i would say....
Was by Ibrahim@PheeBoonLeong and Guna something...
and the 2nd day...
My duty was to sit at the Press and Exhibition desk for enquiries...and just so u know, I had nothing to do...I stoned for 6 hours....
hence the picture taking session...lol
Oh well, that's all....
The conference was an eye opener, and met a lot of new people