yeah! we went to Michael's church at last...
Joanne, Angeline and last we went to Michael's churh...its been really long the last time we said we wanna go...but we drag drag and last we went on Sunday few days ago =)
So on that day, woke up around 6.50am...wanted to give Joanne a morning call, but then she texted me instead, saying that she's already awake =) hehe
After that, went to HELP's main block and pick up Joanne then we headed to Angeline's house...
On the way, I asked Joanne to call Angeline that we're on the way dy...So she know what is the first thing Joanne said to Angeline.... "hey, where're u?" WOOWOWWHAHAHHWOWOWOWHAHAH!!!!!! OMG, Joanne, where will Angeline be early in the morning, and of course she's at home la.... =D
After picking up Angeline...She told me, "hahaha, yeong boon, I can hear u laughing through the phone juz now!!" Thank you Joanne, by saying this "smart" thingy to wake both of us up!!! haha....
We reached Michael's churh.....Its 8.15am...So we called Mike, as he said he gonna leave house before 8am, so when we called...he said he just gonna leave his house...WTH =S
While waiting, Angeline saw a few person from her church...and I was also looking around, for what? Just looking around la, or else it will be really bored sitting there k =/
and you know what, I saw my aunt and my cousins...I didn't know they go to that church..hehe
So after the Mass, I wanted to call my aunt, but then she went off before I could even call her....
Owh ya, we met up with Mike's mum and his sister....The mum so nice and friendly, and the sister so nice too...owh ya, we didn't know that Mike got a sister till that day...wahahahaa
Then it was breakfast...went Dim Sum at Damansara Jaya...
Got a place...then ordered some food..... and you know what, Angeline still the usual her...Didn't use chopstick..*shaking head* even the Macha's gal Joanne know how to use...hehe
After meal, dropped Joanne back to HELP to get her car...then we headed to The Curve...
After meal, dropped Joanne back to HELP to get her car...then we headed to The Curve...
Why we went there? To get some card thingy for SOME ppl's birthday =)
Owh ya! We had Baskin Robins.....Random pic taken by Michael....
Owh ya! We had Baskin Robins.....Random pic taken by Michael....
I think Angeline busy admiring my Mint-Chocolate Chipsss =D
Then after that we meet up with Bryan and his gf... By the way his house it's like damm near to The Curve but I dunno why he take forever to reach =S
We then went to Kim Gary...wanted some dessert.....before ordering...We realise that it's like 3 something dy and we still haven't have our lunch yet =S but then, we were not really hungry, so we ordered something light only.... Owh ya! that stupid waitress, didn't bother to tell me that the food that I ordered, they're not serving it anymore until Angeline asked...stupid!!
Then we went off, after dropping Michael and Angeline back....I went to my aunt's place to see my nephews...Didn't see them for like really long dy... =/

seee, they're playing together...SO CUTE....soon they gonna destroy the house together =S

seeeee, the small one, he's learning how to walk =D
Had my dinner there, then went off after that =)
OWH! WeAngeline & me're going to Michael's church again this Sunday =)
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