Another day in Penang
Was so darn free that day..... So I went to Starbucks to go online instead to kill the time...
What did I do there? While rotting at Starbucks.....Got a few friends walked past...So usual thing, they sat down...
They'll ask, "what I'm doing now? Studying what?"...
Then meeee, will ask the same thing again "So how are you now? haven't heard from you at all since the last time I seen you"
Typical "Hi and Bye" conversation =)
So, after a while, I got bored....Soooo, I started complaining to few of my friends that I'm so bored here..... Huey Fung was my saver!!! *muackkksss* haha..... She came to Gurney's Starbucks to save me from boredness =D
While waiting for her, I talked to Wai Khey through MSN.....She asked me whether wanna go out at night? Of course I said yes!!! Omg, I just so wanna go out everyday..I'm so tired on Orchestra's Rehearsal....Imagine everyday from morning 9 till at night 9.... =S
So while planning what to do at night...In the end we DECIDED to go over to EK's house to paint his new room......*after contemplating whether to find some place to chill and catch a movie*
So here's the pictures for the night =)

Putting Maskin-Tape =)

Look at the retarded face there =D

Me & Sze Sheng
Heere's when we start to DESTROY the wall =D

SS:darn I too short to reach up there, YB: use a chair la since u're so SHORT =/ ishkk
=D =D =D =D =D

Why so serious? =D

EK & Me =)
I got bored...And I started to right our name on the wall =D guess which is mine?

Chee Gang, came only when we finished painting.....Normal case for him =D

Tearing of the design thingy on the wall =)
Owh ya, I didn't mention about it just now...EK stick some maskin tape on the wall to become some design thingy on the wall, so it wouldn't look so boring...

Me, Wai Khey and Sze Sheng

See, he came all the way here just to take this picture...HE DIDN'T PAINT ANYTHING AT ALL!!! LOL

last touch =)



nice right?
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