After Disneyland.....
There was still snow...lots of snow =)
Lourve Museum - Monalisa? recall? YEs Monalisa is at that museum...

I like this =D
Monalisa.....and will actually stared at you no matter where you're standing =S

After Lunch...Notre-Dame...*remember the Disney's Cartoon, Hunchback of Notre-Dame??*
ok...there's some interesting facts about this....
How many mickey mouse can you see in the building?
Well, there are 6 main Mickey Mouse on the building...and there are around 100 over small Mickey Mouse over the building....
And oh ya....Disney chose this building for that cartoon, it's because of the Mickey Mouse all over it...HEY...i'm not kidding you...that's a fact...can check Discovery Channel if you don't believe =)
if you can read the one with "eugene" on it...
ask me if you can't read chinese =D
France's Court....
Luxembourg's Park....ok..we actually went there twice..and it was closed on both occassion..
2 words, no luck =/
Eiffel Tower...and let me tell you....We actually went to Eiffel Tower for FIVE times!!! =S dont ask why..cause i dunno how to explain seriously =S
Day time...
Galeries Lafayatte....some shopping place.....
La Defense
at the subway...
on the way to Rodin Museum...The Thinker...
Night Cruise
St. Paul's Church
Next day....TRAIN GOT CANCELLED!!!! =S we headed to EUrostar Station...look at the people..
and they served food just to shut people's mouth....but they couldn't shut mine =P
Eiffel Tower again....oh ya, we didn't manage to went up before this, because there was ice all over...but at last we managed to went up.. =) sweet...hahahha!
my sister and the bf =D
yes...was vandalising... =D LOL
Wanted to check out Moulin Rouge...but we discovered more =S
Lunch...was A-W-E-S-O-M-E...Chinese foood =D
ok sorry...I can't remember what is this place call =S
We went back to Notre-Dame...apparently, they have this really famous ice-cream, something better than Haegan-Daz and Ben & Jerry according to MeowTing....
So we took our luck and went back to look for it...we asked ALOT ALOT ALOT OF PEOPLE....
Person No. 1: go straight...then 3rd turning on the left, just there...
Person No. 2: go out from here, turn right...go all the way straight then you would see it =S
Person No. 3: go to the bridge.... then you would see it....
Person No. 5: djfskdjfskdjfhsdkjfsd *in french* and MeowTing had to like "is it the "blink-blink" place?" HAHAHHAHAHAHAAHHA =D I almost faint seriously LOL
In the end, we gave up...decided to rely on our own instinct! which should have in the first less than 10 minutes! we found the place =S
then DInner.....
Next day.....we got up around 4am..YES 4AM...and met up in the lobby and travelled to Eurostar station...cause the stupid-retarded-idiotic-dumbass Eurostar, make this first come first serve basis...what nonsense!! =S
look at the people =S and thank God we got the first train to leave Paris...the station was horribly cold seriously =S
Us in Paris....

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