The land of potteries and oatcakes...according to Anna
According to me.... land of toilet bowls....I tell you why in a bit
8.34am train wasn't bad....compared to the 6.13am train to Newcastle =S
but it was still as boring as ever sitting for 1 hour plus before I got there.......After that 1 hour plus.....I reached first, then Anna, then May meet up with us in the train station...and off to the city centre....suprisingly it wasn't cold at all over there =)
first destination....Potteries Museum...
the one on the left, it's actually like those ink mark on the plates...they took it off and make it like that...
some super old piano... =/ and it's super dirty =/
ok....I don't get the following part at all....why is it part of the POTTERIES Museum??? =S

May playing with some kiddo stuff...haha...and May, your hair...super long =S
look at this mug....super cool right?
Fish & Chips! =D
and we came to this part...they call it "The Proposal"...
lots of cows...i dunno why...don't bother asking =S
after that....we went back to the City Centre....and May recommended us this's was kinda good actually =) you should try... =)
The name of the mall....
The Potteries =S
and of we headed to Gladstone Pottery Musuem...
it was kinda interesting....they showed us how they make pottery back then and all...and the equipments they use...
we wanted to try doing it too...but then, the pottery wouldn't be solid enough for us to bring it we decided not too =/ sad case..
look at the burger and egg...haha
remember this little guy?
me trying to be a doctor? hmmm...why not har? =D
Anna pooing in the public......*shaking head* =D
oh I can tell you why....Place of Toilet Bowls....
They have this part in the Musuem..FULL of different toilet bowls design..... =S of all things, toilet bowls????! =S it sicken me... =S
and off to the train station.... it was almost train was at 7 something and Anna at 6 gal! asked u to get 7 something but u got 6 something instead...*speechless* hahaha =D
Anna got us a belated birthday was SUPER belated for May...
I enjoyed it
When will be next?
Beautiful places. Stoke reminds me of the football team in EPL. ;D
yeah...there's lots of nice place in England...... =D
hahaha....Stoke won that day 3-0...
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