Was supposed to go to Bristol, but we ended up in Bath instead....oh well =)

off to Bath once we checked into our hotel...IN Bristol mind u.. =S
THe moment we got down....we saw this lion, freaking weird =S
Bath Abbey
and there's a pig just beside it....
apparently it was because once there was a really bad breakout of swine flu, and the ruler I THINK got infected...and somehow he got cured....so the pig is a symbol to remember that day... =S
i dunno =S
ANyway, Bath Abbey...
and the Lion...
there're plenty of lion around Bath...
I think it's something like Superlambanana in Liverpool....
The courtyard outside the Abbey
RoMan Bath
around Roman Bath and Bath Abbey...
and the famous Sally Lunn's...
Thanks to my PA's recommendation... =D
and the next day..
we went for the Stonehenge's tour =)
on the way there...
and here we are
and Thai Food before we head back to Bristol
awesomeee =D
mum and mua
wow! nice place! so that's how the place got its name eh? hehe
would be awesome if i can be there to watch the national badminton team training sessions.
happy traveling! =)
oh yeah, the world championship... =D
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