Sunday, June 10, 2012



With the hustle and bustle of today’s life, most of us have to learn to juggle multiple tasks in our daily life – coalescing work, family, social and countless other responsibilities. 

Two things that we always tend to neglect in the middle of all these chores would be our personal well-being and the social responsibilities. 
 For those that interested to explore a new and fun way in keeping or improving their personal fitness level as well as to fulfil their social responsibilities, the upcoming ZUMBATHON PARTY FOR CHARITY KL 2012 this June 16 from 6.30pm till 9.30pm is something that you might be looking forward to!
 ZUMBATHON PARTY FOR CHARITY KL 2012 would be a 3 hours of exhilarating fun and dance-inspired charity party featuring Cassie Blazer, International Licensed Zumba Instructor from Australia together with our local Zumba Instructors Sunny Cheong, Deno Au and Alex Phang. 
This would be a fun and interactive dance charity party that will astound everyone.
Just so you know, it will not be the typical dance party that you have been before whereby people dance at their own pace and movements!

ZUMBATHON PARTY FOR CHARITY KL 2012 is endorsed by Zumba Home Office in Florida, United States. What more, 50% of the profits from the charity party will be channelled to charity homes. Beneficiaries of the event would be Hospis Malaysia and Spastic Children's Association for Selangor and Federal Territory. 

To know more about Zumba Fitness, also known as Zumba is a Latin dance-inspired fitness program that has taken the world by storm. Zumba is not just any kind of fitness program. It is designed in such a way to benefit and adapted by any person, regardless of their current fitness level, age, or weight.

Furthermore, Zumba choreography incorporates Hip-hop, Soca, Samba, Salsa, Merengue, Mambo, Reggaeton, Belly dance, aerobic and etc. It is famed for making workout an enjoyable experience by creating an exciting, high-energy club-like atmosphere. 

Zumba provides a total body toning routine along with a heart pumping aerobic workout. The music is lively and the mood is incredibly upbeat in a Zumba® class. It’s a way to get toned, benefit the heart, and burn calories all at the same time. An intensive 60 minutes Zumba class can burn up to 1,000 of calories.  

Basically, Zumba dance routines are all about releasing your inhibitions and losing yourself in the movements. The sweating, energetic movement, and occasionally shouting cause release of mood altering endorphins as you lose yourself in it!

Since its inception in 2001, the Zumba program has grown to become the largest and most successful fitness program in the world – reporting more than 12 million people of all shapes, sizes and ages taking weekly Zumba classes in over 110,000 locations across more than 125 countries.

If you want to know more about the event and ticketing details, kindly visit our official site @ 

So get on and move your bodddyyy!


  1. I know zumba! I am having zumba classes at gym too! :)

  2. Dancing is a great form of expressing oneself. i wish i can dance, but i know only kitty moves, hah.

