Got up really early...and went to this school for an so-called "interaction"
But when we got to the seems like they wanna compete with us on their standard of music....telling us all their past records and shit....
Us, waiting for our turn to perform...I mean KICK THEIR BUTT...
I hate ppl who like to compete with ppl...nonsense la....
After our performance...they were like WOOOWW...
YES WE KICK THEIR BUTTT!!! HAHA....they are juz ok ok..hahaha =D
Group Pictures before we went off =)
On the way to another place....we saw this on the pavement beside the road...
So cool right? it's a keyboard if u dunno what is it...
Got to these place...Cant really remember what's the name of the place.....but it's a really nice place to go to =)

Guesss what are we standing on?
It's graveyard...we didn't know until we seee this...

After that....we went oustide of that, and walked around there
and we saw this.....
heard before the "pearl" mik tea......
this the first place which introduced this drink =)
After all the visiting, side-seeing, come to the first official performance...
we were asked not to joke around in the bus because when we reach the place for the festival, which is ChiaYi International Band Festival, there will be people from all over the countries looking at us and reporters and all sort there....
the moment they said that, I got a bit nervous because it reminded me on the performance that I did in China few years back in the Parliament Building in Beijing... =S which was kinda scary....
....the moment we reached there...

There was banner of this all over the streets....
I was like SHIT, this festival is so darn freaking big!
This is not joke, we need to really hit the nail this time =S
after a while, we reached the place that we were going to perform at....

it's an open hall =S
the moment we got down...we settled down and got our instrument together and went up for rehearsal and test sound...
after a while...DINNER!!!
After dinner...we waited till like around 8 something...then it was our turn....
the hall at night...nice right? =)
Well, the first day of the performance was so so only...but thank God, this is not the really IMPORTANT performance yet...I'll talk about the REALLY IMPORTANT soon =D
So do catch up =)