Day 2...... "Gao Sheong", Taiwan...
I'm kinda lazy to type what happened on that day....
So....I'll just tell one by one through the picture k =)
Woke up at 6......after showering...Got out from the room and went for breakfast...
This is the first thing when I saw when I walked out the Hotel....
Fuuuh...nice right? =)
After breakfast, we walked around at the garden..OMG! it's so darn nice the garden...
just look at the pictures, and you'll know how nice it is...
After that, we went to this place call "Ri Yue Tang" *it's supposed to be in Chinese...But screwed it la =D
Owh, and this place, my friend said, APPARENTLY a lot of suicidal cases in this lake... =S

The road linking to the lake....

and here we are =)
Suang, Mr. Woon aka Music Director, ME!
We need to get up to a boat to travel to the other side of the place..which I dunno where was that.... =/
Just don't give a damm....just bring me to some place nice will do =) right?

Our "transportation"
can you see me? =)
Just look at the view, it's so nice

After a while, we were brought to this place in the middle of the lake..... "this place" apparently float in the middle of the lake... SCARY LA, IF IT SINK THE HOW? =S

Check this out...SO nice right?!!

errrrr, I dunno why we took with THE dustbin =S
After that, we need to TRAVEL again to this hill =/

and we reached...

Check out this, the person who are selling "tea" egg, they actually have a Yahoo Messenger and Blog.....fuuuuuh =S
Is it so competitive the business out there nowadays?! =S
There! the chinese wording "Ri Yue Tang" =)
After that we went for....

*Taiwan food are so darn oily la, I wonder how are Tho Quin, Bryan and Angeline gonna eat it* =S
Then we went off to some Junior High School =/ I don't like the school...tell u why later =/

On the way, took it from the bus....

Here's the school.....
Some wording for welcoming us...
By the way, we went to the school it's for some learning program....which I don't see I learn anything new from the school...OWH! I learned something new on the 2nd day in Taiwan...tell u in a bit....
I love the ballooons =)
Listening to their performance...look at that old guy infront, he's sleeping =D
Check out the teacher, she's hot! =D
our turn to perform....Music Director giving some old and long speeech before that =/
before we went off, she's hot la =D

bye schoool.......
YES, what I learned from this school......TAIWAN's GALS ARE CRAZY!!!!!! SERIOUS CRAZY!
wanna know what happened? I was sitting at my place while waiting for my Music Director giving out his speech before we could start to perform....Sooooooo, while waiting, I heard this whole bunch of gals making noise infront of me...SO I just ignored it....But it was so irritating, so I turned to them in the end....When I turned to them, FUUUUUH! They were like "you're so handsome!!!" WTH!! mine still friend, whole bunch of gals ran towards him and start saying "omg, why are u so handsome? can u tell me why? u're so handsome la *in mandarin*"
The school gave us this drink.....Apparently is their famous drink in Taiwan...
Look at our faces...LOOK AT MINE =S
The place are really nice in there...I haven't got the hold of this picture yet...but I'll upload it as soon as I got it...It's really nice in there =)
After dinner,
we need to go off to another side of "Gao Sheong"....
So 3 hours of bus... =S
We stopped by some place to rest....

look at their places there! unlike our Perhentian at the highway....
Their are like so darn nice...Ours in word to describe =/
Well, that's all for now......
More are to come =D
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