Christmas Dinner before flying off to Taiwan =)
Before I went to Taiwan.... My friends from previous college, they organised a Christmas Dinner....
Who was invited? Ppl from the college....
but then, Amanda invited me along and she brought her brother, Edward along too..... Jamie invited Shen and Edwin.... thankz for the invitation =)
When I reached the place, Harwicke.... There's not much ppl there yet...So, I talked to Amanda and her brother...after a while, Jamie, Shen and Edwin arrived....Then ppl who I DONT KNOW start coming in =S There's darn a lot of new faces in my previous's like more than half of them, I do not know... =S
Shalini was the host of the night...

Owh, the dinner started around 9...Malaysian Timing... *shaking head*

Some Turkey thingy....It was a 5 course dinner though =)

Amanda and her brother, Edward

Shen & Edwin

busy chit-chatting
yaaaa....and the dinner, ppl are supposed to bring date....but our table, we couldn't be bother.... BUT THEN, we got our own date on that day itself =D how nice is that right?

Edward and Shalini

Sangita & meeeeee =D
and the best and the CHUN-NEST date of the night that all of us could get is.......

Cedric with his IMAGINARY GF =D *say hi to the gf* HAHA

Mei Hui, Ang, Amanda, Edwin, Shalini, Shen, Jamie, ME and Sangita
So after the dinner, ppl starts to get busy with taking pictures *haihzzz* I'll tell u why I HAIHZ here.....=/
The gals....they looked extremely nice that night =)

Amanda & Mei Hui

I like this picture ALOT! so nice! =)

my so-called last minute date =D

The ppl who came for the DInner.....
Merry Christmas to you ppl =) *a very late one* =D
So after the dinner......The actual plan for them is to Club at Mois....which MY PLAN was to go home and take some rest....Cause I'm flying off to Taiwan exactly at 6am in the morning the next day....
BUT THEN, my friends, Amanda, Jamie and Shen...They keep on asking and insisting me to go to club with them...cause it's been really long since the last time I meet up with them...
At first, I keep on saying no....BUT they know me, so They keep on asking asking asking asking asking in the end I said YES....arghhhhh!!! =S
So Mois.......
Got a bottle and a table, then we went up with plenty of friends outside the club......

The whole night....We were was fun! =D

Look at my shirt.......It's wet! We were dancing the whole night! =D
and we found something on the dance floor...hahahaha
Edwin and Shen make good use of it! XD HAHAHAH

and we party till the club is empty.....

US sitting on the dance floor...haha....It's practically EMTPY
So after clubbing....It was around 3 something.....and my flight is in another 3 hours time =S
Shalini got a bit tipsy and Jamie too.....Amanda, here leg was killing her...She can't really walk... So we walked really slow till we, guys, decided to get our cars and fetch them instead.....
After that, dropped them at Amanda's place...they went for a drink at some mamak...but I went off instead, or else I'll be late for my flight....
When I reached home...It was around 4 something.....SO.....I quickly shower and double check my stuff...then woke my sister, cousin sister and mum up to say goodbye today....
OWH!!! before I went off, I post up a post in my blog *it's a 6 something post* haha!!! =D
After that, went off straight to airport...
Well that's all for now....will update about Taiwan ASAP =D

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2009
* I know it's really late, but better late then never =) *
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